On Wednesday we left the place of name which we are unsure as map was wet and headed to Rugeley, we did not leave until the afternoon as we were transfixed on playing a game which we brought from Itunes for 59p, had 4.5 stars, so thought it must be good. We finished the game by lunch time with a bit of an anti climax to it.


journey to Rugeley was OK, it was dwarfed by the chimneys. Rugeley was a useful stop, however, I would not be in a hurry to go back. With Shopping complete which took two trips with the shopping trolley and me saying ‘I told you we bought too much’ and vets for Matilda (her blog has the details) we left in the afternoon through some very pretty countryside and meeting the train again. The canal at times is very overgrown which is unlike the Grand Union which is far more tidier. The journey was very windy and the poor boat had to work hard against the wind and the odd shower. We stopped in Great Haywood which has a Junction and decided to go down the Staffordshire and Worcester Canal which makes its way south to Wolverhampton.
I have noticed how cheap houses are in this area. In Tamworth, I saw a 3 bed semi, garage and conservatory for £150,000 and a 4 bed, detached with all the works for £210, 000. Compared to home the prices are about say, £100,000 cheaper.
Great Haywood, is a small village, a Spar and a couple of pubs – We could not find the cash machine at all. I also noted that it was 5pm when we took a wonder, and I really do not think that they have rush hour. Even Rugeley which was a town at 9am barely a car was in sight.
After a lazy breakfast (there seems to be may a lazy breakfast) we were off again and are now in Penkridge.
Mentioning breakfast has reminded me of a sight that I saw a couple of weeks ago. A boat moored next to a field in pretty surroundings and next to it a table laid with plates, knifes, forks, orange juice, toast, jams and a smell of bacon from the boat, what a lovely location for breakfast.
We have also seen some people having picnics in the most oddest of places. For example we saw some holiday makers eating on the towpath next to a main road and the big chimneys.

Currently We are moored next to some Park Homes, which are very nice, yes I am surprised. Never seen so many.

The village seems nice, well the bits that we saw and again house prices are so cheap. The journey to Penkridge was fantastic and yes, I keep saying it, the views are lovely and was only spoilt when we hit the Motorway. The canal seemed more like a river and at points very wide. The picture on the right shows a turning circle, far better than the ones at home. I am doing more driving now, I was not very good at it and still my boat moving skills are rather questionable, however, I figured that I really needed to learn.

The weather has been very odd and not really July weather, today we battled through winds and rain. Now its sunny and warm. – not really July type weather. Wonder what tomorrow will bring? blizzards probably!