Well a Royal wedding is soon to be upon us and as I recall the excitement of the Prince Charles and Lady Diana wedding where as a little girl I got up early with my Swiss cousin to watch everything from the build up to the ceremony waving my little plastic Union Jack flag I wonder about the timing of this wedding. Is it now just when there is huge debt, high unemployment and spending cuts that this announcement ensures that there is a ‘feel good’ factor in the air? Or am I cynical? Will we as a nation be hurrying to purchase commemorative coins and stamps and will they sell the little plastic flags again?
Today it rained and it rained so a trip to a cheese factory was in order. We saw how cheese is made from start to finished and was very surprised at the amount of mold which grows on it as it matures, it was like fur!. It was a small factory and the work seems very back breaking and extremely scientific. Unlike a cheese factory we visited in Switzerland this one did seem less hygienic as the one I had visited before was all behind glass, where this one we walked around the factory floor. The cheese was expensive to buy, however, from the tour I can see how much work goes into it from filling the moulds to turning the cheese by hand everyday whilst it matures.
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