This weekend saw a quick trip back to London and on Saturday we found ourselves at the Swiss Church in London. This Church was founded in 1762 and is for Swiss nationals to meet to particpate in a wide range of activities and to feel less isolated in a foreign country. As a child I recall impatiently waiting for Father Christmas to give me my gift during the Christmas Service. It was also the home to a mother and baby group where in the 70’s my mother made some Swiss friends who turned out to live only a few miles from her. The church at the time was falling down, but now it had a face lift and is very modern. We went on Saturday as they had their Charismas Bazaar where all sorts of Swiss produce could be bought from cheese to chocolate but no cuckoo clocks.
After we had a bread and cheese lunch, we walked to the Apple Store in Covent Garden. It is the worlds biggest Apple store and had a wealth of toys to play with. It was busy with people playing with the different apps and checking to see if you can really open up the macbook air with one finger. I can confirm that it is possible.
Covent Garden was very busy and in fact so was the underground. I recall with a shudder the days that I used to commute for over an hour to South Kensington.
In the evening we went to the pub with a number of our friends and we choose a pub which we thought would be quite, but it turned out to be very busy as a band was playing, however, time went quickly and it was good to catch up on all the gossip.
We even managed to have a quick look at the Canal and saw the lady who made our cratch cover so we gave her an update on our journey. The canal was very busy and I forgot how congested it is with all the boats compared to Wales which is rather quite at the moment. I have not tried at looking at the boats on the canal, each boat is so unique that no matter where you are on the canal it always is interesting to walk along the towpath looking at the different styles and paintwork, to me it is still rather magical and special to see a line of boats with the fires on, smoke out the chimney and the burning of coal smell.
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